Micro Lean Business of the Year

Lean Business Ireland Awards 24th October 2024

Number of Awards (1)


This award is open to Micro indigenous Irish organisations and the Irish-based operation of multinational companies that have commenced on their Lean Journey and made sufficient progress to provide evidence of impact to customer value and experience, process improvement projects undertaken, and improvement to bottom-line results. Judges will be particularly impressed by those organisations that have made a concerted effort to engage employees as much as possible and can show real headway towards efficient and effective practice in Lean, and alignment with advancements vis-a-vis Digitisation, Digitalisation, and Sustainability (Green).

Judges will want to know everything you have done/do/will do to achieve your strategic objectives. You must detail what you have achieved so far and outline what you hope to achieve in the future on your developing Lean Journey.

When completing this Category's Entry Submission Template, entrants should pay particular attention to the following elements:

  • Initiatives undertaken and number of staff involved
  • Number of Lean/CI champions in place
  • Cultural improvement initiatives
  • Improvements in work practices (i.e. Lean and possibly Green and/or Digital practices used)
  • Annualised productivity improvements (value added, efficiency gains, cost savings)
  • Future focus (next steps and future projects identified)


The deadline for entries is the 30th of August 2024 so please do not delay in submitting your entry.


Entrants to this Awards Category must use the Entry Submission Template provided, and then complete their application via the web-form below.


Entrants to this Award Category must use this submission template. Please download the WORD TEMPLATE complete it, save it as a PDF, and then upload that PDF in the web-form below along with relevant photos and video, and click submit.

Micro Lean Business of the Year

  • Accepted file types: pdf.
  • Drop files here or
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Should you have any difficulty loading your video due to file size, please contact Paula Dempsey at [email protected] or call + 353 48 9773434.


Entrants must:

  • use the Entry Submission Template for this Category, save it as a PDF, and upload in the web-form below; and
  • upload Photographs relevant to the entry submission; and
  • upload a complementary video, noting that Judges will be particularly keen to view raw/authentic video footage (e.g. hand-held mobile) of exemplary areas/initiatives as opposed to more formal corporate videos, 5-10 minutes maximum for videos; and
  • upload a high-resolution (300dpi) PNG/JPEG file of their organisational logo; and
  • name the person who would collect the trophy if the entrant is an Award winner.