Lean Business Ireland Awards 23rd October 2025
Number of Awards (1)
There is one award in this category, to be given to an individual.
This award is open to indigenous Irish organisations; to the Irish-based operation of multinational companies; and to State agencies/units and Government departments that put forward an individual who has played a critical part in their Lean Journey. Judges will want to see the individual has embodied the requisite respect, team, and organisational loyalty and commitment, along with the essential focus, energy, and drive to enable and sustain the Lean and CI culture. Judges will want to see that the individual has voluntarily taken extraordinary interest in the adoption, implementation, and success of the Lean Strategy.
When completing this Category's Entry Submission Template, entrants should pay particular attention to the following elements:
- Displays vision, energy, drive, and is results orientated.
- Embodies Respect for the Individual in advancement of a CI culture.
- Applies an holistic approach to organisational excellence and enterprise excellence.
The deadline for entries is the 23rd August 2025 so please do not delay in submitting your entry.
Entrants to this Awards Category must use the Entry Submission Template provided, and then complete their application via the web-form below.
Entrants to this Award Category must use this submission template. Please download the WORD TEMPLATE, complete it, save it as a PDF, and then upload that PDF in the web-form below along with relevant photos and video, and click submit.
Should you have any difficulty loading your video due to file size, please contact Paula Dempsey at [email protected] or call + 353 48 9773434.
Entrants must:
- use the Entry Submission Template for this Category, save it as a PDF, and upload in the web-form below; and
- upload Photographs relevant to the entry submission; and
- upload a complementary video, noting that Judges will be particularly keen to view raw/authentic video footage (e.g. hand-held mobile) of exemplary areas/initiatives as opposed to more formal corporate videos, 5-10 minutes maximum for videos; and
- upload a high-resolution (300dpi) headshot of the nominated Champion plus a high-resolution (300dpi) PNG/JPEG file of their organisation(s) logo; and
- name the person who would collect the trophy if the entrant is an Award winner.