Lean Business Ireland Awards 29th September 2022
2 Awards – Large organisation (Employment above 250), Small to Medium Sized Enterprise (SME)
Organisation who helped customers reach their specified goals on their Lean Journey
This award is presented to an Organisation who played an Influential role in the Lean Journey of one of their Customers.
- They must be able to show how they helped a customer reach their specified goals within the time period requested.
They must be able to prove the customer examples where thought, planning and execution were to customer satisfaction.
Tips for Entering
- All activities cited must be within the past 14 months
- Ensure your submission fits onto no more than 5 A4 pages in portrait PDF format
- Answer each of the key criteria points, back up answers with pictures, graphs etc.
- the projects that support their entry must have taken place in Ireland
You will need the following to complete your entry:
- A 100 word summary of your entry
- 2 high resolution landscape photos (300 dpi) relevant to your entry
- A jpeg version of your organisation’s logo
- Name of the person who will accept the trophy