Lean Business Ireland Awards Evaluation and Feedback Form Continuous Improvement ProgrammeOverall, how would you rate the eventExcellentVery GoodGoodFairly GoodNot Good at allOn a scale from 1 (extremely low) to 5 (extremely high) how would you rate the followingCommunication of the event123451 = extremely low 5 = extremely highAwards Catalogue123451 = extremely low 5 = extremely highOrganisation of the event123451 = extremely low 5 = extremely highVenue123451 = extremely low 5 = extremely highPlease provide a brief testimonial: positive or negative, we need your feedback to continuously improve?(Maybe listed on event website)Which category was most relevant to you and why?How did you hear about this event?How could future Lean Business Ireland Awards be improved?What other categories would you like to see at next years awards 2025?To encourage award entrants to take part next year, Lean Business Ireland would like to share your experience/testimonial on the event website? I consent to this information being published Name*Organisation*Email* Would you like more information on the 2025 Award categories and how to enter?*YesNoWould you like us to hold the same seats/sponsorship as you had in 2024?*YesNoWe are grateful for your feedback. Thank you.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.